UCAN: University Counselor Advisor Network

Welcome to UCAN!

UNT's University Counselor and Advisor Network

Our primary goal is to provide UCAN members with opportunities for professional development, recognition, and peer support. Together, we can cultivate a culture of excellence in supporting our students through academic advising!


We are the University Counselor and Advising Network. UCAN members are dynamic professionals, communicators, and mediators between students, faculty, and the administration. As academic advisors and counselors, we help guide students through their college career by actively listening to their beliefs, values, and expectations in order to provide options and resources to support their goals!

Our mission is to provide UCAN members with opportunities for networking, peer support, professional development, and advisor recognition.  Together, we can develop a culture of excellence in supporting our students through academic advising.

UCAN is lead by a committee of advisors and counselors who serve as representatives from each of our academic colleges.  The UCAN representative group is charged with leading our committees of volunteers as well as deliberate on decisions for the greater UCAN community.

Contact UNTAdvising@unt.edu for additional information.


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